In One’s Element

Your center for energy healing

Explore What We Do

Elevate Your Business

Learning quantum healing techniques to optimize productivity, work-life-balance, and individual satisfaction. For entrepreneurs and business groups of 5-30 people. Reach out directly to set up a time for your team.

Learn Quantum Healing one-on-one

Become proficient in quantum healing and Reiki, and learn how to implement energy healing into your own life to the fullest in a private mentorship program.

Workshops - Learn Quantum Reiki Healing

Create abundance, take the reigns of your own healing, and transform any area of your life by becoming certified in quantum reiki healing.

Private Sessions - Healing & Coaching

Work with Jennifer and receive transformative healing and guidance, either remotely or in-person (available only in Prescott, AZ).

About the founder

Welcome to In One's Element, a sanctuary of holistic healing and well-being based out of Prescott, AZ, created by master energy healer and coach Jennifer Spiroff. With over two and 1/2 decades of dedication to holistic wellbeing, Jennifer utilizes her passion and simple but powerful methods while working with individuals, corporations, and the larger community to bring the principles of quantum healing to the broader public. Her teachings and sessions take you on journey to rediscover your true capabilities, shed outdated beliefs, revitalize your spirit, and embrace a life in harmony while taking the reigns of your success and wellbeing.

What We Teach

  • It's All About You

    Embracing your personal power, and the importance of “fill your own cup first and let it overflow into the rest of life”. Everything starts now, every moment, with you.

  • Creating the Life You Want

    Recognizing that you are the creator of your own reality, and how to optimize your potential through the vibrations and thoughts you hold.

  • Breaking the Patterns

    How to recognize and break patterns that may be:
    - holding you back and creating blockages to success in any area of life
    - causing mental/emotional stress & anxiety
    - manifesting into physical health symptoms

  • The Energy System

    In workshops, we teach the full chakra system, and the in-depth mental/emotional/physical connection between the energy centers and you, and how your personal life events impact the vital flow of these centers. With the use of breathing techniques and quantum healing, we teach you how to balance your energetic system.

  • Moving Energy

    We teach our techniques and practices for moving energy, feeling energy, working on yourself and others (including animals, plants, and physical spaces), and we attune you to optimize and boost your entire system. We always include enough practice for you to fully grasp and understand how you personally work with energy.

  • The Principles of Quantum Healing

    “Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts.” - Deepak Chopra
    Everything is vibration - your thoughts, emotions, and habits (and everyone else’s) are all communicating to the Universe 24/7. We teach about reprogramming the subconscious and help you practice conscious creation of what you take in and what you put out.